The Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile is a one mile loop in Cutteslowe Park, Oxford for the benefit of runners and walkers to have a course dedicated to peace.
In May 1986, Sri Chinmoy, with the Mayor of Oxford, Bill Fagg, inaugurated a new ‘Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile‘ at Cutteslowe Park, Oxford.
It remains popular today with many runners and local people taking advantage of the peace mile.
Sri Chinmoy believed that running and physical fitness was a great complement to the inner life and meditation. Sri Chinmoy felt the dynamism of physical exercise gives great benefits to the mind and body.
“The inner running and the outer running complement each other. For outer running, we need discipline. Without a life of discipline, we cannot succeed in any walk of life. So when we do outer running, it reminds us of the inner running.”
– Sri Chinmoy
Every year the Oxford Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team organise several races around the peace mile with up to 100 runners taking part in the local races.
From the archives
After the inauguration of the Peace Mile, a two mile race was organised for local school children.